Saturday, September 29, 2012

Short one

This blog will be short. Not much happening different than last week. I just wanted to post one or two pictures.

Last week we went on the boat cruise with the school. I don't know if we will ever get tired of looking down into the Sea and being able to see all the way to the bottom. It was beautiful.  Not a bad way to spend a Saturday. 

Our friend Tyson, who is also from Portland, invented a game called Frisbee ball (depending on who you ask) and we spent Saturday night playing, it is a our own cheap take on cornhole and which entertaining.

Last night we had a garden party at the President of the schools house and it was amazing. The house is in the middle of the schools campus but is kind of a sanctuary.  It has a huge concert wall around it and inside it is full of trees and greenery which is very rare in Beirut.  It was catered and the food was fantastic.

This week my goal is to walk around Beirut and take some pictures of things I see everyday. I think a lot of people have no real idea of what Beirut looks like, just an idea. At least, I know I didn't before I got here. It definitely has some beautiful aspects but there are definitely some unattractive parts to the city and I want to show both sides so people understand a little more about our day to day. The good, the bad, and the ugly..=)

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