Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Things that I miss...

The countdown to the end of our year has begun. It is a little early still but within the last few weeks things that I miss from home are flooding to me.  The "seriously, I live in Beirut" moments are fading, still attainable but fading. They are slowly being replaced with the "oh my gosh, I can't wait to have..."  I am pretty much only talking about food and drink here which does not sound nice to my friends and family but please know that you all are the obvious bonuses of coming home! I am talking more about the taken for granted bonuses at home!

So here is what I have so far...

1.  Not mixing my poop toilet paper with Michael's poop toilet paper. It just doesn't seem like the thing a married couple should do especially one where the husband still believes his wife doesn't go number 2 and he won't pee in the shower.  Both of those are things about Michael encase you didn't get it.

2. Por que no. This is so obvious I shouldn't even mention it. I just want good Mexican and a margarita. Since, I don't drink as much here as I did in Portland, I am pretty sure one margarita there is going to be my undoing, but I am willing to risk it. Michael used to say I was a fun drunk from those margaritas, I think this time around might change his tune..hahaha

3. Slurpees. Truthfully, I have not thought of a slurpee in months! Since, there are no 7-11 reminders but the other day on my walk home from school their memory came flooding back to me. They used to be my go to for all occasions, driving home from college, the weekend, Monday. It didn't matter. So, I am surprised this void did not hit me earlier but it is definitely hit me like a ton of bricks!
 I wonder if I could make a replica in the blender. I will look into it!

4. I do not miss driving a car becasue I have never really liked it and it instantly makes me tired, not to mention I am bad at it. This is a fact many of you can attest to. But, I feel like I am 15 again waiting for the moment I turn 16 and get complete freedom. Of course, that is not exactly how it worked then and it won't be this time either, since we are only borrowing cars, but the freedom of just going is a really exciting idea. I don't have to talk in Arabic to anyone and settle a rate before I get in the car. I don't have to then argue that rate when I get out of the car. It is a luxury I completely took for granted when I was Mrs. Fancy with a car.

5. I miss understanding everything that is said in a group setting! I am not sure how my ears will adjust to being able to understand everything said everywhere I go. No hand signals and one word sentences. I might go into sensory overload and block out everything!

6. I miss quiet street sounds. I know everywhere has street noise but the noises I hear here are not the usual sounds. I have grown a slight hatred towards cats because here they seem to be in prepetual mating season, which means screams louder and more awful than any person should bare. I will not miss them this summer! Sorry Ryan and Stephanie!

7. I miss DVR..although I can download anything I want, whenever I want I have to wait until midnight so it is free and sometimes I don't want to wait. So pppffff.

8. This one might sound mean and out of place but I miss my independence, especially from Michael. I love him so much but here he has become my whole world. A few times a month or so I will go out with just the girls and do something but it is rare and not very often. When I have  hard time here or a bad day at work, I come to him and he is amazing, but at home with a phone at the ready, I had other outlets for support. Of course, everyone is still supportive and amazing but timing is a real challenge and I get to talk to everyone so rarely, that I don't like to weigh down the time with grievances.  So, Michael bares the brunt of it.  I look forward to us being able to do things separately without concern and conveniently. There isn't much I will do where I can't walk by myself. I am not in danger by any means, but it is just a hassle. I am intimidated to bargain with the taxis and I am unsure of where to go and what I would do when I get there.  We both have very little me time that isn't forced because of Michael's school work and I miss that. I can't wait to go somewhere with someone other than Michael or by myself that is more than half an hour away from my house!   Please don't take this as any indication that we are not happy, we are doing wonderfully together and I think this move has only strengthened our relationship but such a heavy reliance on each other can be overwhelming.

9. All in All I just miss America!

10. I am sure this list will continue to grow but for now its my main misses!!!!

To encourage you all to visit and all and all miss Beirut, here are some photos!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2 months to go and oh yeah another year!

I can't believe i have not written in my blog for so long and I can't figure out where April went. =)  We only have 2 months left of our first year in Beirut and what an amazing year it is has been. There have definitely been downs these last few months but more than enough ups.  I got really homesick in March and April and really wanted to go home.  I missed my family and friends more than I could imagine and I missed everyday conveniences. I wanted to get in my car and drive some where but couldn't. I wanted to walk or play in a park but couldn't. I wanted to see my family and friends but couldn't.  Thankfully, I had Michael here with me and friends to show me the way back.  Living here definitely allows you to go on downward spirals if you let it.  You can easily become lazy and unmotivated since little things here can be a pain in the ass. But, then you remember its sunny, 70 degrees and you are only a 10 minute walk from the water.  Things could definitely be worse. 

In April we had a bunch of firsts. We had a friend from Portland visit and saw a bunch of new things. The pictures are included. We had our first Mexican meal and it was disgusting.  I went to my first beach/pool resort. That is the thing to do on the weekends here.  I am sure there are more. I will keep thinking. 

So much as changed since we first got here, we are no longer intimidated to take taxis in and out of the city. Sometimes we even forget we live in a foreign city because we know our way around and we have developed quite a routine. But, then everyone starts speaking in Arabic around me and I remember! =)  My Arabic has not improved much since the beginning, I am definitely not being modest on that point. I seem to be lacking the phonemic awareness for Arabic. I often say something and the person listening will not understand me and I don't know why. Then after several more attempts, I get a "oh...and then the item I was trying to say." I have no idea how there version of the word sounded any different than mine, so at times I hate to say it but I give up..=)

I have also decided I am the creepy lurker of the Preschool. Everyone is very nice to me and individually we have great meaningful conversations but in a small group, I am the creepy lurker. I am embarrassed to remind to them to speak in English, and even when they are reminded they don't. So, I have just stopped reminding anyone. Since, I have no idea what anyone is saying, I just sit and watch. Hey creepball..=)  I often will contribute what I consider to be a funny comment about a student we have in common and often it is met with a blank face or minimal feedback, so I just stand there, unsure of whether I should just walk away or continue to wait for the conversation to continue.  I often find that I stand there probably just a little too long. I am that waiter at a restaurant who hovers and talks at your table for one minute too long. I am the last one at a party when everyone else has left and the hosts are falling asleep on their feet. =)  This might be an extreme but social awkwardness leads to that..=) I need to learn the Arabic word for creepball so I can know when it is used with my name in tow. Maybe by the end of next year I will learn appropriate conversation timing in Lebanon.

I am really proud of all Michael and I have seen and done this year. We have done especially recently of a lot of traveling within Beirut. Of course, there is a lot more to do and see but in the last few months we have made a lot of progress. We will continue to keep exploring and we are excited to see what else Lebanon has to offer!

 It is where the Prime Minister lives in the summer and it has the largest set of Mosaics in Lebanon.
During our 2nd Spring Break we went on a Byblos and Beyond tour. We went to 3 different cities. I can only remember the name of one but we really enjoyed it. We went to about 5 churches, so I think Michael was trying to drop a hint and take me on a conversion tour.  The pictures are all from Batroun a very cute coastal town with churches and the sea.